Leitmotif Youth Jazz Workshop – Fall 2021
Leitmotif Studio, Watertown, MA
5 sessions, culminating in a livestream performance.

Leitmotif Youth Jazz Workshop – Summer 2021
Leitmotif Studio, Watertown, MA
4 sessions, culminating in a livestream performance.
[View excerpts from this workshop]

Introduction to BandLab
We’ll be hosting a Google Meet on Saturday May 9th 2020 @11:30AM to show you how to use the app, create collaborations within etc. Led by Noel Borthwick of BandLab and a couple of other BandLabbers.
Jazz Improvisation Workshop Series for Middle/High School Students
Open to instrumentalists and vocalists
Sunday October 21, 2018, 10AM-1PM
Sunday November 18, 2018, 10AM-1PM
Sunday December 16, 2018, 10AM-1PM
Venue: Leitmotif Studio, 301 Waverley Ave. Watertown, MA 02472
Two Day Summer Jazz Workshop for Middle/High School & College Students
Friday July 28th & Sunday July 30th 2017, 2PM-5PM
Venue: Leitmotif Studio
[View excerpts from this workshop]

Adult Jazz Workshop: A Beginners Guide To Improvisation
Sunday October 19, 2014, 1PM-4PM
Session duration: 3 hrs
Venue: Leitmotif Studio, Watertown, MA
Jazz Improvisation
Conducted by Noel Borthwick & Ramona Borthwick
Nov. 2008.
Venue: Furtados Music, Pune, India.
Fundamentals of Music Theory
Instructor: Ramona Borthwick
Dates: Oct 21, 28, Nov 4, 18, Dec 2, 9 2004. 6-week course held on Thursdays, 7-9 p.m.
Venue: Watertown High School, 50 Columbia St., Watertown MA 02472.
Prerequisites: None
How To Read Music
Instructor: Ramona Borthwick
Dates: Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 2004. 4-week course held on Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m.
Venue: Watertown High School, 50 Columbia St., Watertown MA 02472.
This workshop is not instrument specific.
Fundamentals & Structure of Music
A must for every student of music – these workshops cover the study of music fundamentals, and are offered to beginner and intermediate students
Harmony & Counterpoint
Procedures and common practices in harmonic writing.
Creating melodies, and harmonizing them – a study of vertical as well as horizontal aspects of music composition.
Aural Perception
These workshops are highly recommended for students who are keen on developing their skills at listening, transcribing & writing music. Designed to improve the ability of students to identify aural phenomena (pitch, rhythm, timbre, etc.) with an increasing degree of precision.
Analysis of Music
A study of musical architecture – familiarizes the student with design & tonal structure in music, phrases & sentences, motivic associations, rhythmic, harmonic & melodic patterns. Allows the student to analyse a piece of music and improve music communication skills.
Basics of Composition
This course will enable the student to write melodies, apply them to lyrics, and the create harmonies for the same. Students will initially write responses to written free-response questions. They will also set music to given lyrics. For each type of question, there are several strategies students might use to approach the exercise.
It is recommended that the student attend the Aural Perception Course since the development of aural skills strongly benefits the technical & creative process of composition.
Music History & Appreciation
A study of music literature combined with listening and analysis of important compositions from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. This course is open to all individuals who have an interest in the history of music and the stylistic developments within each period. Sessions will include listening to recordings; research into the creative lives and musical works of leading composers, reading & discussion, recommended listening will be given at the end of each session.